This will be the definitive resource that will put most medical professionals who don’t believe in the concept of the solar callus to shame.
You’ll get a practical framework on how to develop your solar callus to make the most of your health through sunbathing.
You hear the term ‘solar callus’ all the time on Health Twitter.
I’ve mentioned it often in my own work.
But, the question remains..
What is it?
Here’s the shocker:
It’s a tan.
But the solar callus goes well beyond just having tan skin. It’s in reference to the development of melanin through gradual midday sunbathing.
It’s a mental model for how you should approach your sunlight exposure, and general health. It’s a damn great one at that.
Considering how uninformed many medical professionals are on the subject of light, I’m not surprised that they don’t believe in the concept of a solar…